Tag: loss

  • Big Brother

    Yesterday was my big brother’s birthday. We got some cupcakes and chinese food to celebrate him. This is the second birthday that we have spent without him. I miss him dearly. I think about him all the time wishing that he was here. I miss his laughter, I miss talking…

  • A Sudden Loss

    Last night I got the devasting news that my neice passed away. My heart hurts so much. I just can’t believe she is gone. My neice is two years older than me but we grew up like sisters. I just can’t believe this is happening right now.

  • 1 year without My Big brother

    It’s been year today on July 5th that I have been without my brother Lamount. When he passed I didn’t think I would make it. And even though its been a year it still hurts and it probably always will. There are times when I think I am doing ok…


    Grief is a difficult thing to deal with. And the moment you think you are finally healing something happens to open up that wound again. You know that you will never be the same and that you will always grieve what you lost. 

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